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In-počasí - iOS application | iTunes

In-počasí is an application for iOS devices (iPhone and iPad). It is showing current weather and wether forecast for Czech cities. More info (Czech only)

Meteomapy - iOS application | iTunes

Meteomapy is an application for iOS devices (iPhone and iPad). It is capable of showing current precipitation over Czech and Germany, as well as its prediction for the next few hours. You can also see information from Synop stations in Czech and Germany. More info (Czech only)

Bank Robbery: Great Western Heist - iOS game | iTunes

Space invaders game variation. It is powered by in-house C++/OpenGL engine.
Banka ve vašem městě byla přepadena místní gangsterskou bandou. Jako městský šerif musíte vzít zákon do vlastních rukou. Zachraňte rukojmí a postřílejte bandity dříve, než i s lupem utečou. Sesbírejte zpět ukradené finanční jistoty obyvatel vašeho městečka a zachraňte vše před bankrotem.

Angry Curves - iOS game | iTunes

Favourite game "The Curve" in a new design including a singleplayer with different modes and a classic multiplayer. Game is powered by in-house C++/OpenGL engine.
You can see Gameplay video

World of Trains - iOS game | Web | iTunes

Discover the magic of trains in the World of Trains. See it on Gameplay video. Game is powered by in-house C++/OpenGL engine.
Reviews: (Czech) | (Czech) | (Czech)

Numerical model data visualisation | Web

Visualisation of numerical models. Predecessor of, however, with some different functions and visualisation.

Lua Wrapper for C++ | GitHub

Lua wrapper for C++ written from scratch using C++11 features and templates.

Game engine for PC / iOS

Features: Used libraries:

Game database |

An old project, no longer in development by me.

Other projects

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